Thursday, January 1, 2015

301st FUN FACT -- AND MORE FUN.....?


2015 brings us to Hunterdon County's 301st year.... in the spirit of John Kuhl's wonderful 2014 300 Fun Facts About Hunterdon County desk calendar, here's our 301st Fun Fact:  

According to Bob Spitz, Julia Child's biographer and author of the 2012 book Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child, Julia's marriage to Paul Child was held in pur very own Stockton!  It seems Paul's brother lived right across the bridge in Bucks County and they had planned a rather spontaneous wedding in PA, until they found out they couldn't complete the required blood test results in time.  So they moved the wedding ceremony to Stockton where they had friends, and had the reception back at Paul Child's brother's home!  

Now.... more fun? so many of you have requested more Hunterdon heritage events from our merry band of volunteers.... so we are talking it through and figuring out what we want to do and how it would all work --- 2014 marked Hunterdon's 300th year so we figure that we may have a 99 year life span -- hmmmm.... can putting on events extend one's life?!  

So stay tuned.  Our next blog will let you know how we decided to proceed.  In the mean time, we wish all of you a very healthy, happy and wonderful 2015!  

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