Monday, June 30, 2014


NEW!!!! LINDBERGH HOUSE TOURS:  Due to the popularity and long Waiting List back in April and May, we have added four tours to see the Lindberghs' home in East Amwell/Hopewell as well as other interesting sites from the Kidnapping Case.  The event includes a bus ride with commentary by Lindbergh Author and Historian Jim Davidson and snacks courtesy of our super sponsor Shop Rite.  Tour dates are Fridays, July 18 and August 8, both dates have two tours, one from 9:30 am to approximately noon; the other from 1:30 pm to approximately 4 pm.  Reservations should be made on our home page at or by calling our headquarters at (908) 788-2030.  Once your reservation is made, a check for $5 per person is required for confirmation within three days of your reservation.  Limited space is available.  Book now!

3RD OF JULY FIREWORKS AND CONCERT!  Deer Path Park -- come early!!  Wonderful concert of rousing patriotic music begins at 7 pm with the Allentown Community Band -- the oldest community band in the nation and proud of its Sousa heritage -- this is NOT your average little community group!  Following the concert, at 9 pm will be an enormous fireworks display.  We are expecting this event to be packed -- come early or take the LINK bus for free --- see our homepage at for more information.

NEW!!!!  JULY 8TH --- HISTORIC READING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: on July 8, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was read for the first time in Hunterdon County on the Courthouse steps.... at that time, the Hunterdon Courthouse was in Trenton and not Flemington.... we hope by now you all know the history of how Flemington became our County Seat.... The 300th is bringing a historic reading to the steps of the Historic Courthouse on Main Street at 4 pm.  If you missed the January 1 re-enactment, you don't want to miss this.... notable gentlemen from Hunterdon County will be back in period costume for another fun and educational re-enactment!  The fun begins at 4 pm for this family friendly event.... Festivities will end by 4:30....

JULY 8TH:  EXXON AND HUNTERDON -- Still seats remaining; reservations close on Monday the 7th at Exxon's request so sign up now!

JULY 12:  SOUTH COUNTY FARM TOUR:  Still seats remaining --- a fabulous tour that includes two full farm tours, a boxed lunch and a comfortable bus ride with wonderful commentary.  $15 per person gets you this great day from 9 am to 3 pm.

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